With representatives of the European Commission and international, regional and European human rights organizations who participated in the establishment of the EU Temporary Relocation Platform for human rights defenders at risk, Brussels, December 2015.


During 2014-2015, for DAI, HRDiplomacy led the implementation of a two-year European Commission-funded project to establish the EU Temporary Relocation Platform for human rights defenders at risk involving local, international and European NGOs, EU institutions, EU member state governments, cities and universities.  The work included drafting the inception report with methodology and workplan, growing the Platform's membership, designing and facilitating consultation workshops (in Brussels and Istanbul) with existing and potential new members, overseeing the development of the Platform website (https://eutrp.eu/) in line with members' needs and suggestions, and researching, documenting and sharing "good practices" among members.  The results were increased coordination and cooperation among local and international NGOs and European institutions and governments involved in providing temporary relocation to human rights defenders.  The Platform remains active, having been taken over by the ProtectDefenders.eu NGO consortium at the beginning of 2016.